"Proudly show your sense of belonging to the Politecnico di Milano community by purchasingthe official merchandising of the University.By downloading the app you will find a wide selection of products by the Politecnico di Milano, some incollaboration with well-known brands such as The North Face, adidas, Alessi, 24Bottles, Lamy, Moleskine,leading companies in terms of research, design and quality.Buying is very easy and convenient as we reserve promotions dedicated to those who carry outorders via app. In addition, by consenting to the sending of notifications, you will always be updated onnew products, initiatives and events promoted during the year.For each purchase you will have 30 days to reconsider and make the return. The restituitionof the product is borne by the buyer, through the courier of your choice or directlyat the Milan Store.For more information, you can write to us at
[email protected] "